Thoughts From A Scottish Granny

In praise of eCards

These past few winter nights I’ve been listening to Nigel Slater reading his book

The Christmas Chronicles

As usual I am inspired and entertained by his observations and ideas.

There is one thing I disagree with him about and that is his almost fanatical dislike of eCards.

Sure, I would love to sit down at this time of year and send a letter to each of my friends, handwritten on beautiful paper with my best ink pen. Sometimes I do that if someone has a birthday or I’m just in the mood.

In the time before Christmas my life had always been more hectic as the years went by with present buying, decorating the tree, dressing up shepherds and angels in bathrobes and tea towels, school concerts, playing Santa, providing Santa with a mince pie and Rudolf with a carrot, taking time out to listen to music and attend carol services.

Then there was planning the Christmas dinner and making sure the turkey got into the oven in time and cooking the rest of the dinner.

Oh, and sending Christmas cards to friends and family near and far, which sometimes didn’t arrive for weeks. And remembering to budget for the stamps and post them off

I wouldn’t have changed a minute of any of it. There was great pleasure when it all came together and I could sit down on Christmas Eve and watch the lessons and carols from King’s College and reflect on what I believe Christmas is really about.

Nowadays it’s not so hectic, but if I wrote a letter to everyone I wanted to write to, they would arrive at about midsummer. I use eCards designed by Jacquie Lawson now which are beautiful and I can write the message and send cards all over the world in just a few minutes and start getting replies straight away. And no stamps.

Maybe I should send one to Nigel Slater.